rtms for ocd in mumbai

Best OCD Treatment Hospital in Mumbai

Celebrating its 50th year of unwavering commitment,  Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre stands tall as one of the oldest tertiary care, multi-specialty Trust hospitals in the country. A trailblazer in the realm of neuromodulation, the hospital has been instrumental in introducing innovative technologies and techniques to India. This milestone year heralds the launch of a groundbreaking program, the first of its kind in the country, promising a futuristic approach to healthcare.

If you are looking for the best hospital for OCD in Mumbai, you have come to the right place. At Jaslok Hospital, we offer the most advanced and effective treatment options for OCD, including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

With an experienced team boasting over two decades of experience across various fields, Jaslok Hospital offers comprehensive care, establishing itself as the premier OCD treatment hospital in Mumbai.

Consult With Expert Doctors

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder): A Comprehensive Overview

Once considered rare, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has gained recognition over the past four decades. Significant strides have been made in understanding its epidemiology, clinical features, comorbidity, neurobiology, and treatment. In the last two decades, there has also been a growing interest in related disorders, collectively known as obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders.

What is OCD?

OCD, classified as an anxiety disorder, manifests as persistent, unwanted, anxiety-inducing thoughts paired with repetitive, time-consuming compulsions aimed at alleviating the anxiety. Examples include repetitive checking or extensive cleaning due to irrational thoughts. Despite the awareness that these thoughts are unreasonable, the compulsion to act is overpowering, leading to anxiety and, in some cases, depression. The severity of symptoms can significantly impair daily routines and social functioning.

While medications are a common treatment, some patients may not respond effectively. Enter Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a non-invasive, painless FDA-approved method exhibiting promising results in recent psychiatric studies. Our OCD treatment hospital in Mumbai proudly offers non-invasive therapies for OCD, providing a beacon of hope for those grappling with this challenging disorder.

Symptoms of OCD

The hallmark of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) lies in its two main components: obsessions and compulsions.

  • Obsessions: These are unwanted and intrusive thoughts that induce significant anxiety and distress. The thoughts are persistent and create an internal turmoil.
  • Compulsions: Compulsions are behaviors undertaken to alleviate the anxiety and distress caused by obsessions. Individuals engage in these actions as a way to suppress unwanted thoughts.

The specific obsessions and compulsions vary among individuals with OCD. For instance, some may feel compelled to incessantly disinfect their living spaces, while others struggle to part with accumulated clutter in their homes.

Causes of OCD

The precise cause of OCD remains elusive, and a combination of factors is thought to contribute to its development.

  • Genetics: There may be a genetic predisposition, as OCD is known to run in families.
  • Brain Abnormalities: Irregularities in brain function or structure could play a role in the onset of OCD.
  • Environmental Factors: The environment may also contribute to the development of OCD. Stressful life events or trauma can be potential triggers.
  • Onset: OCD often begins in the teenage years or early adulthood, though it can also emerge in childhood.
  • Familial Influence: Obsessive fears and compulsive behaviors can be learned from observing family members or gradually acquired over time.

It’s important to note that OCD can coexist with other mental health conditions such as anxiety problems, depression, eating disorders, or substance use disorders. Recognizing and addressing these intertwined issues is integral to comprehensive treatment.

Treatment Options- Top TMS Treatment Clinic for OCD in Mumbai

Addressing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a nuanced process, aiming not necessarily for a cure but to bring symptoms under control, preventing interference with daily life. The severity of OCD varies, necessitating a tailored approach. While traditional treatments like psychotherapy and medications are common, a subset of patients faces limitations with these methods, prompting the need for alternative therapies.

Limitations of Traditional Treatments and the Need for Alternative Therapies

  • Psychotherapy and Medications: Common treatments for OCD.
  • Combination Approach: Often effective but may have limitations.
  • Side-Effects: Some individuals find traditional treatments intolerable due to side effects.
  • Incomplete Symptom Control: In certain cases, psychotherapy and medications may not fully control symptoms, impacting daily life and social interactions.

Introducing TMS Therapy for OCD in Mumbai | Present Literature

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a promising therapeutic avenue for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), with a robust foundation of research dating back to the 1980s. The extensive body of literature, published in peer-reviewed journals globally, underscores the positive outcomes and minimal adverse effects associated with TMS.

Noteworthy Study on TMS and OCD:

In a significant study conducted in Israel, 20 OCD patients resistant to traditional treatment methods were enrolled. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of high-frequency TMS over a 5-week intervention period, comparing it to a control group subjected to sham TMS treatment. The results revealed a compelling finding: patients who received the authentic TMS treatment exhibited a substantial reduction in OCD symptoms. Remarkably, this positive effect persisted for at least a month following the conclusion of the treatment.

Present Literature Overview:

  • Global Research: TMS has garnered attention and scrutiny from researchers worldwide.
  • 1980s Onward: The extensive research timeline underscores the longevity and depth of exploration into TMS therapy.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journals: Rigorous examination and validation of TMS outcomes are documented in reputable peer-reviewed journals.

This study from Israel stands as a testament to the potential of TMS as a therapeutic intervention for OCD, offering hope and tangible benefits to individuals resistant to traditional treatment methods. As the landscape of mental health treatment evolves, TMS continues to emerge as a beacon of promise in the realm of OCD management.

What is TMS and how does it work?

TMS is a novel OCD treatment technique that has been approved by the FDA to treat major depressive disorder and OCD. TMS is based on electromagnetic induction, which states that a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a conductor. TMS involves placing a wire coil over the scalp and connecting it to a device that produces brief but intense magnetic pulses. These pulses travel through the skull and cause a tiny electric current to flow through the underlying brain tissue, modulating neuronal activity and neural circuits.

TMS can be applied to different regions of the brain depending on the condition being treated. For OCD, TMS targets the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which is a part of the brain that is involved in executive functions, such as planning, decision making, and impulse control. The DLPFC is also connected to other brain regions that are implicated in OCD, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the striatum. By stimulating the DLPFC, TMS can help normalize the activity and connectivity of these brain regions, thereby reducing the compulsive urges and obsessive thoughts that characterize OCD.

General Information About TMS

Harnessing the power of electromagnetic stimulation directed at the brain through specialized devices configured in predetermined patterns proves to be a valuable approach in restoring various functions. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) stands out as a noteworthy outpatient treatment, marked by sessions lasting approximately 25 to 30 minutes each.

Key Aspects of TMS Treatment:

  • Electromagnetic Stimulation: 

TMS involves the targeted delivery of electromagnetic stimulation to the brain, contributing to the restoration of diverse functions.

  • Outpatient Nature: 

Positioned as an outpatient treatment, TMS offers the advantage of flexibility and convenience for individuals undergoing the therapeutic sessions.

  • Session Duration: 

The typical duration of a TMS session spans 25 to 30 minutes, ensuring a concise and manageable timeframe for each treatment session.

  • Individualized Treatment: 

The number of TMS sessions required is contingent upon the specific medical condition under consideration. Experienced physicians overseeing the treatment provide personalized advice on the optimal session count.

  • Established Neuromodulation: 

With a longstanding history of use, TMS has evolved into an established and recognized form of neuromodulation. Its effectiveness extends to the treatment of a diverse range of medical disorders.

TMS emerges as a well-established, outpatient therapeutic modality, distinguished by its efficacy in treating various medical disorders through targeted electromagnetic stimulation—a testament to its enduring role in advancing neurological and psychiatric care.

Which OCD Patients Might Benefit From TMS in Mumbai?

Potential candidates for TMS OCD in Mumbai include:

  • Patients with Troublesome Thoughts: Individuals experiencing troubling and irritating thoughts that significantly impact their daily life and work quality may find relief through TMS.
  • Non-Responsive to Standard Treatments: Patients who have not responded well to conventional treatments such as medications and behavioral therapies may benefit from TMS for OCD.
  • Patients with Various Health Conditions: TMS is considered suitable for individuals with various health conditions, including pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, kidney diseases, and heart diseases.
  • Compatibility with Medical Devices: Commonly used medical devices such as stents, pacemakers, coils, and orthopedic implants are usually MRI-compatible, minimizing interference with TMS procedures.

These criteria highlight the diverse range of individuals who may find TMS to be a valuable option for managing OCD symptoms in Mumbai.

The Process of the Best Obsessive Disorder Therapy in Mumbai

Initiating the therapeutic journey for obsessive disorder at Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai involves a carefully crafted process tailored to individual needs. Here is a comprehensive overview of the treatment protocol:

1. Designing Personalized Provocations (90-Minute Session)

  • The therapy initiates with a 90-minute session dedicated to crafting individualized provocations tailored to the patient’s specific symptoms.
  • This crucial step ensures that the therapy is finely tuned to address the unique manifestations of each individual’s obsessive disorder.

2. Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS) Treatment Sessions (6-Week Protocol)

  • Following the provocation design, a total of 29 Deep TMS treatment sessions unfold over a span of 6 weeks.
  • The weekly breakdown comprises 5 sessions per week for the initial 5 weeks, followed by 4 sessions in the concluding week.
  • Each session spans 30-40 minutes, encompassing the administration of provocations and an 18-minute transcranial stimulation protocol.
  • This structured regimen aims at consistently and effectively addressing the intricacies of obsessive disorder.

3.Progress Assessment using Y-BOCS:

  • To gauge the progress and effectiveness of the therapy, the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) is employed.
  • Baseline assessment and subsequent evaluations at the end of each treatment week provide a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s response to the therapy.

This methodical and personalized approach to obsessive disorder therapy at Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai emphasizes a commitment to addressing the unique challenges posed by obsessive disorders, ensuring a tailored and effective treatment experience for each individual.

Benefits TMS Therapy for OCD

TMS therapy for OCD emerges as a transformative and non-invasive procedure, harnessing magnetic fields to enhance symptoms of OCD. The distinctive benefits of TMS therapy are encapsulated in its methodology and outcomes:

  • Non-Invasive Procedure:

    • TMS therapy is characterized by its non-invasiveness, eliminating the need for surgical intervention.
    • The procedure utilizes magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells, bypassing the necessity for incisions or invasive measures.
  • Reduced OCD symptoms:

    • TMS can help to reduce the severity and frequency of OCD symptoms such checking, washing, counting, hoarding, and repeating. TMS can also assist to alleviate the distress and impairment caused by OCD symptoms including anxiety, guilt, humiliation, or sadness.
  • Improved mood and well-being:

    • TMS can help improve the mood and well-being of OCD patients by stimulating the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are connected with pleasant feelings, motivation, and rewards. TMS can also help with the co-occurring mood disorders that are common with OCD, such as depression and anxiety.
  • Enhanced cognitive functioning:

    • TMS can improve the executive processes that are frequently compromised in OCD patients, including as attention, memory, problem-solving, and flexibility. TMS can also improve cognitive control over OCD symptoms, such as rejecting compulsive urges and confronting obsessive thoughts.
  • No systemic side effects: 

    • TMS is a non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatment that does not require surgery, anesthesia, or medication. As a result, TMS does not cause systemic side effects including weight gain, nausea, sleeplessness, or sexual dysfunction, which are frequent with medications. TMS causes mainly moderate and brief local side effects, such as scalp discomfort, headache, or tingling, which normally go away after the first few sessions.

Patient Support and Follow-up Care

Jaslok hospitain Mumbai has a dedicated team for TMS procedures for OCD, ensuring coordinated and specialized care for patients. The process involves a comprehensive assessment, including detailed history, examination, and psychiatric evaluation by experts to confirm the patient’s candidacy for the procedure. Y-BOCS (Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale) scoring is conducted for each patient before the procedure, after each session, and during follow-up periods to monitor progress.

The psychiatrist will provide guidance on whether the patient needs to continue medications after the TMS procedure based on individual circumstances. This approach ensures a thorough and personalized treatment plan for individuals undergoing TMS for OCD at Jaslok Hospital.

Why Jaslok Hospital for TMS?

The Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, established in 1973, stands as one of the oldest tertiary care, multi-specialty Trust hospitals in the country. Actively engaged in ongoing research activities across various fields, the hospital collaborates with institutions in India and abroad. Within its framework, there exists a dedicated “Restorative and Regenerative Medicine” department comprising consultants with over 20 years of experience.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology and equipment from the internationally reputed “Brainsway” company, the department features advanced H1-7 coils instead of conventional coils. This technology facilitates the delivery of non-invasive deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) with precision, aiming to achieve optimal results. The equipment holds FDA and CE clearance for treating various neurological and psychiatric conditions. Notably, deep TMS expands the capabilities beyond the limitations of conventional TMS by reaching specific target sites like the insula and cingulate gyrus.

Best TMS Treatment Clinic for OCD in Mumbai

Jaslok Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in India, Mumbai that offers TMS for OCD and other mental health conditions. Our hospital boasts a team of experienced professionals from diverse fields, including psychiatrists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurophysiologists, and psychologists, making it the best TMS treatment clinic for OCD in Mumbai. The team also provides TMS for pediatric OCD in Mumbai. The collective expertise of the doctors, each with over 20 years of clinical experience, ensures that patients receive the best and most genuine advice for their condition.

Jaslok Hospital has the most advanced TMS technology and standards, ensuring that TMS therapy is as effective and safe as possible. Our team provides a warm and friendly atmosphere that might aid in the recovery and well-being of OCD patients.

Top Non Invasive Therapies for OCD Mumbai

Jaslok Hospital introduces cutting-edge, non invasive therapies for OCD in Mumbai, marking a revolutionary approach to mental wellness. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to delivering personalized care through TMS in Mumbai, surpassing traditional methods.

One such groundbreaking therapy is  TMS for OCD,  a treatment that activates brain function without resorting to invasive procedures. This safe and painless option offers relief from OCD symptoms, contributing to improved well-being and vitality.

In addition to TMS, we provide Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), a holistic approach that combines mindfulness meditation with cognitive-behavioral techniques. This empowers individuals with a profound shift in awareness, enabling them to navigate life’s challenges with resilience.

Our offerings extend to include Biofeedback and Neurofeedback techniques, providing tools to take control of physiological and psychological responses. Through real-time feedback, these methods facilitate regulation, leading to a reduction in OCD-related distress.

Choose Jaslok Hospital for transformative care that prioritizes your well-being and revitalizes your zest for life through our obsessive disorder therapy in Mumbai. Take the initial step toward a brighter future with the best TMS in Mumbai. Contact us today and embark on this journey with us!

TMS for OCD reviews in Mumbai

TMS for OCD reviews in Mumbai have been overwhelmingly positive. Patients consistently describe the procedure as highly effective and smooth. Many have reported significant improvements in their well-being and functionality. The TMS therapy has proven to be a safe, tolerable, and relaxing experience for individuals undergoing the treatment.

Numerous patients have expressed that the procedure has not only alleviated their symptoms but has also contributed to an enhanced sense of joy and motivation. The positive reviews highlight the transformative impact of TMS therapy on the lives of individuals dealing with OCD, emphasizing its effectiveness and the positive changes it brings about.

These encouraging reviews serve as a testament to the success and benefits of TMS for OCD in Mumbai, reflecting the positive outcomes and improved quality of life experienced by those who have undergone the treatment.


If you are interested in transcranial magnetic stimulation for OCD
or want to know more, please contact Jaslok Hospital. We would gladly answer your questions and organize a meeting with our experts. We’re excited to assist you overcome OCD and live a better, healthier life.


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